Professionally Mommin’ my way around the world

May 14, 2023

Who am I? I’m Dawn, a 29 year old mom of three (Chloe, Brantley + Lake) five, if you count our golden retriever Akela and my husband Jarren.

Where am I from? Originally Erie, Illinois. But made my way north to Shannon, Illinois. Living small town life, with a whopping 800 residents. Where everyone knows everyone and your neighbor is probably related to you.

How did I get into travel? This one is a longer explanation. I was pretty fortunate my family traveled on a regular basis. Annually to Orlando, for the amusement parks and Ocean. Practically monthly, to Wisconsin Dells. I’ve been to Disney, Universal, Busch Gardens, and Sea World more times than I could count in my childhood and adult life. Not to mention I’ve done ALMOST* everything in Wisconsin Dells. But my real love of travel happened in 2016. I was elected through my SAT scores to attend the former president Dwight Eisenhower’s People to People Student Ambassador Program. At 13 years old, I went overseas with a small group of other students from all 50 states. Our program was “the heart of the Mediterranean”. This has us all over Malta, Italy, and France for 28 days. I got to explore first hand some of the world’s most exciting locations. Pompeii, Versailles, Louvre, Pisa, Eiffel Tower, Roman Colosseum, Blue Lagoon, Sistine Chapel, Notre-Dame, the list is endless. As an adult, I’ve checked off many US states. Including Oahu, Maui and Kauai. As well as TONS of tropical destinations. Which include Mexico, Bahamas, Belize, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos, St Thomas, St Marten, Puerto Rico and Honduras. We travel by Plane, and by Cruise ship the most.

Besides travel, do you do anything else? I definitely like to keep busy. I also have my own home healthcare business and am nationally certified as an EMT-B.

What do I enjoy in my free time, and hobbies? That’s easy!! I LOVE Disney, Harry Potter, Horses, Traveling and most importantly a good nap! HAHA I have a pretty large collection of Jim Shore Disney figurines, my husband also has a pretty cool Star Wars game room. Our youngest son, Lake. Has a Harry Potter themed room. If your into that, definitely ask for pictures.